Monday, November 17, 2008

Have a Minute?

This week I started subscribing to a podcast through iTunes called "The Princeton Review Vocabulary Minute". This podcast broadcasts a new episode every day. The podcast itself lasts only one minute and teaches four vocabulary words through easy going and sometimes silly lyrics. Each episode is rated for the appropriate grade level, but I believe each song can be appreciated by most grades above 3rd or 4th. Many students claim that music is their life and can cite lyric upon lyric from their favorite artist, but have trouble remembering vocabulary and word meanings given by their teacher. Although these songs are definitely not performed by popular artists they still have the ability to get stuck in your head. I recommend that you check these out for yourself, even if they are not appropriate for your students.


StephE said...

Pete --

I just wanted to say that I found this post useful. As an English teacher, I deal with vocabulary everyday. However, I believe vocabulary tools can be used in any content area. Anyway, this is useful because we try different ways of introducing vocabulary words as well as try to use different projects. Therefore, not only could I use podcasts, but my students can also create their own podcasts with an activity like this. Another benefit from this activity is that it can have a time limit, like the minute this podcast is.

Thanks for this post!


EStrauch said...


I found this podcast very interesting. As teachers we are always trying to find new ways to introduce vocabulary words to our students and I never thought of using podcasts to do so. Thanks for sharing this site it will be very useful to use in the classroom.